All training sessions will be held in the conference
room in the new terminal building
at Harry Browne Airport, 4821 Janes Rd, Saginaw, MI. (unless other wise
Date |
Topic |
Presenter |
Time |
January 23 |
Traffic Handling w/exercise - Winter Field Day |
7:00 PM |
February 27 |
Logging and Record Keeping |
7:00 PM |
March 27 |
Working with Public Safety Officials |
7:00 PM |
April 24 |
County Emergency Exercise |
7:00 PM |
May 22 |
SET Review |
7:00 PM |
June 26 |
Direction Finding exercise
(Hayes Park - Freeland)**
6:00 PM |
July 24 |
No training |
- |
- |
August 28 |
Picnic and Movie Night |
6:00 PM |
September 25 |
ARRL/Local SET prep |
7:00 PM |
October 23 |
SET review |
7:00 PM |
November 20 |
7:00 PM |
December 6 |
Holiday Breakfast |
- |
8:30 AM |
9200 Midland Rd, Freeland, MI 48623
Training Description:
- January - This training will be a review of various ISC
and Radiogram forms. Please bring a 2-meter HT for the exercise.
- February - This training will cover logging and
record keeping, log formats and what information should be logged.
- March - This training will cover ideas and information
with working with county agencies and officials.
- April - This meeting will cover the MBS airport
- May - SET Review
- June - Direction finding exercise - fox hunt exercise
in Hayes Park, 9200 Midland Rd, Freeland, MI 48623
- July - N/A
- August - Movie and picnic night, For the picnic, please bring a dish to pass and
a chair for the movie
- September - We will be preparing for the ARRL/Local/State
SET planned for October 12.
- October - SET review
- November -
- December - Annual joint breakfast with SVARA, Riverside
Family Restaurant, 8295 Freeland Rd, Freeland. Awards will be given out in
several categories.
Directions: (from North or South)
Exit I-75 at E. Holland Ave (M-46) and travel East through
round-a-bouts to N. Towerline
Road. Turn left
and travel North to Janes Road. Turn right and travel East.
The airport will be on
your left. Enter the main entrance. Meetings take place in
the Conference room in the Terminal Building.
2024 Training Schedule,
2023 Training Schedule,
2022 Training Schedule,
2021 Training Schedule,
2020 Training Schedule,
2019 Training Schedule,
2018 Training Schedule,
Training Schedule,
Training Schedule, 2015 Training
Schedule, 2014 Training
Schedule, 2013 Training
Schedule, 2012 Training
Schedule, 2011 Training
Schedule, 2010 Training