2024 Training Schedule
All training sessions will be held in the conference room in the new terminal building at Harry Browne Airport, 4821 Janes Rd, Saginaw, MI. (unless other wise noted).

Training Attendance
Date Topic Presenter Time
January 25 Basic Communication Skills / Winter Field Day KC8YVF 7:00 PM
February 22 NBEMS - fldigi, flmsg, flamp W8DW 7:00 PM
March 28 72 Hour Kits Everyone 7:00 PM
April 25 Directional Antenna Project * Everyone 7:00 PM
May 23 Vacation Go-Kits KC8YVF 7:00 PM
June 27 Direction Finding exercise
(Hayes Park - Freeland)** Fox Hunt
KC8YVF 6:00 PM
July 25 No training - -
August 22 Picnic and Movie Night KC8YVF 6:00 PM
September 26 ARRL/Local SET prep KC8YVF 7:00 PM
October 24 SET review KC8YVF 7:00 PM
November 21 Meshtastic KC8YVF 7:00 PM
December 7 Holiday Breakfast - 8:30 AM

*(Measuring Tape Directional Antenna)

** 9200 Midland Rd, Freeland, MI 48623

Training Description:

  • January - This lesson introduces communication skills that are specific to emcomm operations, and helps you understand differences from normal Amateur Radio operations.
  • February - Ever wonder what Fldigi is and how to use it? This training will explain and demostrate the operation of the software.
  • March - What is a 72 Hour Kit? Do you have yours? We will discuss what you should have in your kit. This is a show and tell type training.
  • April - Build a 2-meter measuring tape directional antenna for fox hunting or hidden transmitter hunting (each person will need to bring the necessary supplies specified in the instructions listed above. Hacksaw, soldering iron, solder, PVC cement, wire cutters, screw driver will be supplied or you can bring your own tools. )
  • May -  We all should have our EComm go-kits, but what is a Vacation Go-kit and what should it have? We will discuss what items we should take when we travel away from home.
  • June - Direction finding exercise - fox hunt exercise in Hayes Park, 9200 Midland Rd, Freeland, MI 48623
  • July - N/A
  • August - Movie and picnic night, For the picnic, please bring a dish to pass and a chair for the movie
  • September - We will be preparing for the ARRL/Local/State SET planned for October 12.
  • October - SET review  
  • November -   What is Mestastic? We will look at Mestastic, LoRa radios and off-grid messaging.
  • December - Annual joint breakfast with SVARA, Sullivan's Restaurant, 5235 Gratiot Rd, Saginaw. Awards will be given out in several categories.

Directions: (from North or South)
Exit I-75 at E. Holland Ave (M-46) and travel East through round-a-bouts to N. Towerline Road.  Turn left
and travel North to Janes Road.  Turn right and travel East.  The airport will be on
your left.  Enter the main entrance.  Meetings take place in the Conference room in the Terminal Building.


2023 Training Schedule, 2022 Training Schedule, 2021 Training Schedule, 2020 Training Schedule, 2019 Training Schedule, 2018 Training Schedule, 2017 Training Schedule, 2016 Training Schedule, 2015 Training Schedule, 2014 Training Schedule, 2013 Training Schedule, 2012 Training Schedule, 2011 Training Schedule, 2010 Training Schedule




Revised 05/23/24