
 The following items are suggested for pre-assembling a "jump
kit", which you can pick up and take to an exercise or actual
on-site emergency:
(These are just suggestions and you may wish to add or
subtract items as the need exists)

- ARES photo ID card and driver license
- 2 meter HT (dual band preferred)
Radio Basics
- Dry cell battery pack and 2 sets of batteries
(Full power pack)
(It is easier to find a store selling alkaline batteries in
route than a place to plug in your charger for 6 hours in a disaster.
Remember, - no power. The batteries can be rotated out of the kit
- Extended gain antenna for HT
- 2 meter (dual band) mag mount antenna w/coax
- Antenna to radio adapter (SMA,
BNC, PL259, if needed)
- Car charger cord for your HT's
- Headset w/mic or earphone
- Paper, pencil/pen, clipboard
- Copy of your radio manuals, cheat sheet or pocket
programming guide
- Flashlight and batteries
- Multi-tool (pliers, screwdriver)
or Swiss Army Knife
- A yellow day-glow vest imprinted with
"Emergency Communications" for visibility and identification /
- Appropriate clothing
- Food and water (snacks)
- Pain reliever or other needed medication
- Bug spray
- Cash (power or phone lines may be
- Camera
- NOAA Weather Radio w/SAME capability
- Cell phone, w/AC, DC charger cords, battery bank, or other types of

- Additional Radios/packet gear
- Power Supplies/chargers
- Antennas w/ mounts
- Extended gain antenna for additional HT's
- SWR Bridge (VHF/UHF/HF)
- ARRL Standardized Connectors (PowerPole)
(so you can adapter your radio to PowerPole connections
or your PowerPole radio to other type of connections)
- Microphones
- Tool Box
- Soldering Iron w/solder
- Volt-Ohm Meter
- Safety Glasses
- RF and Audio Connectors
- Extra Feedline
- Patch Cords
- Electrical and Duct Tape
- Log Books
- Headphones
- Message Forms
- 3 day change of clothes
- 3 day supply of food and water
- Non-Perishable Snacks
- First Aid Kit
(a good kit, not the pocket type)
- Throat Lozenges
- Prescriptions
- Candles
- Toiletries
- Shelter (tent and/or sleeping bag)
- Foul Weather Gear
- Portable stove
- Mess Kit w/Cleaning Kit
- Waterproof Matches
- Alarm Clock (battery or wind-up)
- Battery operated AM/FM radio or mini AM/FM radio /
- Maps and compass / GPS
- Dust mask and Goggles
- Four Cyalume light sticks (12-hour, green)

- Sunglasses
- Sunscreen or block
- Trash bags
- Hand cleaner or paper towel
- Lip balm
- Tissues
- Small table and chair
- Mini first aid kit (personal type is ok)
- Jacket or rain gear as needed
- Cap or hard hat
- Boots or other appropriate footwear
- Umbrella, canopy or tent
- Whistle
- Earplugs
- Eye protection
- Toilet paper
- Safety pins
- Water purifier
- Binoculars

- Pens
- Pencils
- Notepad
- Paper Clips
- Rubber bands
- Clear tape
- Post-it notes
- Ruler
- Envelopes
- Stapler and staples
- Calculator
- Clipboard
- Highlighter and markers
- Local Maps
The most important item to bring with you to an event

- Ace wrap
- Alcohol wipes
- Antacid (Mylanta)
- Antiseptic wipes
- Band-Aids: 12 various sizes
- Benadryl
- Decongestant
- Dressing tape
- Dressings: eight 2-inch × 2-inch
- Dressings: eight 4-inch × 4-inch
- Eye dressings
- Eye wash
- First-aid book
- Gauze rolls (Kerlix)
- Hydrogen peroxide
- Instant cold pack
- Magnifying glass
- Motrin or aspirin
- Pen and paper
- Pepto Bismol
- Polysporin ointment
- Pressure dressings
- Q-tips
- Scissors
- Splinter-removal kit
- Steri-Strips
- Sun block
- Thermometer
- Triangular bandage
- Tylenol
- Vinyl gloves