Saturday October 8, 2022 members of the Saginaw County ARES group participated in a
local and State of Michigan simulated emergency exercise. The purpose
of this exercise was to test simplex communtions between different county
locations to county Winlink staions and pass the information via Winlink to
the EC.
Our Objectives:
Test simplex traffic handling capabilities between county locations
using ICS-213 forms
Test County Winlink stations between simplex stations using ICS-213
forms to the EC
The plan was to
practice traffic handling using an ICS-213 form via simplex over a county
wide area.
4 voice stations would passed traffic to an assigned county Winlink station
on 2-meter simplex. Then each Winlink station would transfer the message to
an electronic ICS-213 via Winlink and send it to the EC. The EC would
reply to the message via Winlink back to the original Winlink station which
would then reply to the orginal voice station via simplex voice.
Congratulations to all that participated
Ron Huss, KC8YVF
Renee Paquette, KE8MYJ Tom Schmidt, N8EUI Rick Schattilly, KC8VOA
Mike Dougherty, KD8MMH Fred Bolger, KE8QCO Dave Schneider, N8ERL
Frank Keating, AA8VG
Max KE8DON, Section Emergency
Coordinator presenting Ron KC8YVF EC for Saginaw a third place finish in
this years exercise.