On Wednesday May 11, 2016 members of the Saginaw County ARES group participated in the Saginaw County and MBS Airport simulated emergency exercise.   

On the morning of May 11, 2016, the sun is shining and the community is preparing for a promising summer of warm temperatures and plenty of sunshine. At approximately 0900 hours, 911 received multiple calls that there was a plane crash in the City of Saginaw near City Hall. The initial reports are that it appears as though a plane is burning and a tanker truck is involved with liquid leaking on the ground. It is unknown what the contents of the tanker truck is. At approximately 09:05 MBS declares an emergency as a plane has crashed on
emergency approach to the airport. The aircraft is confirmed to be a commercial passenger jet with unknown number of passengers. 

Our Objectives:

Pass information from scene to local operators and state authorities

  1. Test call up procedure and staging operations
  2. Test 2 meter communications utilizing the 147.24 and 145.33 repeaters from incident scene to 911, backup EOC, hospital ER locations
  3. Test Hospital Packet system – including incident scene, 911, backup EOC and hospital ER’s
  4. Test DMR HT communications from incident scene, 911 and backup EOC
  5. Test APRS site identification from incident scent and backup EOC

Thank you to all operators that participated in this years exercise.  The objectives were accomplished and everyone had a good time.

Joe, N8OSL (EOC Observer)
Emmett, NE8B @ 911, Staging
Lee, KC8ITI @911, Staging
Gordy, KC8YVD @ Sag- IC
Frank, AA8VG @ Sag- IC
Chris, KB8UIH @MBS- IC
Randy, KE8AHW @MBS- IC
Dave, N8LBF @ (Regional- Observer)
Jeff, KB8SWR @ Regional- IC
Dave, W8DW @ Covenant ER
Mike, KE8AVJ @ Covenant ER
Dave, N8ERL @ St Mary’s ER


Dave, W8DW and Gordy KC8YVF working the radio room at 911.



Revised 12/06/22